Hon. Kevin J. Murphy (Ret.)
Santa Clara County Superior Court, (Ret.)
Mediator • Arbitrator • Discovery Referee
Santa Clara County Superior Court, (Ret.)
Mediator • Arbitrator • Discovery Referee
Following 28 years on the bench which led to the Santa Clara Trial Lawyers Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, Judge Murphy joined ADR Services, Inc. in June 2011. During the past 12 years, he has become one of the leading mediators, arbitrators, and discovery referees in the State of California.
Notably, while on the Superior Court, Judge Murphy held a number of key assignments including Discovery Judge, Case Manager for three years, where he conducted law and motion hearings and oversaw settlement conferences, and in 2008 was the Supervising Judge of the Civil Division of the Court.
Most importantly, as a trial judge, Judge Murphy presided over 1,000 court and jury trials involving a wide variety of topics including trade secrets, business contracts and dissolutions, employment discrimination, and real estate.
While serving as a Superior Court Judge, Judge Murphy also held the position of Adjunct Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law teaching classes in Civil Remedies and Ethics.
Hon. Kevin J. Murphy (Ret.)
100 First Street, 27th Floor San Francisco, California 94105
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